Thursday 25 August 2011

Arab Spring: "It's up to the Libyans"

42 YEARS of utter dictation and now the ruler is on the run. Rebel fighters believe that Gaddafi is still in Tripoli, but the rebels need proof, Muammar Gaddafi dead or alive will do.

With the western world butting out of the internal conflict, the country must revolutionise itself and find peace thereafter. The ideological differences between nationalists and Islamists leaves Libya as one of the most diverse societies in North Africa. A country with multiple divisions means that resistance is rife. The aftermath of the revolution will be complicated with the future of Libya in the hands of those unknown as of yet.

The Libyan revolution run by men: is equality progressing or deteriorating?

Where are the women, should they get involved? The irony, Libya was one of the most equal countries in the Arab world before the revolution in terms of education and rights.

As Jeremy Paxman said on Newsnight yesterday, the women were present in the uprising of Egypt and Tunisia, yet "invisible in Libya". Demonstrations in Iran, Syria, Tunis and Egypt have seen men and women of most ages on the front line, facing the consequences. So why is it, that Libyan women have retreated? What are they doing? Typically, Paxman joked that they were cooking dinner upon return for their husbands.

Gaddafi, the supposed "feminist", had assured the world that he was for equality. He then ludicrously stated in his famous green book that women "had a disease each month". Enough said. With the first female running for President in Egypt, Bothaina Kamel just seven months after the 18 day topple of Mubarak. Kamel is tirelessly travelling Egypt in search of what the Egyptians need in their new era and single handedly carving a path for women to become world leaders. Middle east commentator, Mona Eltahawy, said: "This is just the beginning, we need to work on the revolution of the mind... if it takes the rest of our lives to make sure that this kind of equality becomes a reality".

Tuesday 29 March 2011

Artistically Frustrated.

I'm convinced it's the change in season that is leading me to feel artistically inspired and colourful. With bright ambient block colours at the height of the catwalks to high street brands, I feel it's time to look toward a relaxed and cheerful wardrobe.

Style blogs. How do we feel about these guys? I always like to keep things neutral so, as of this month, I'll be capturing anything that makes me look THREE TIMES. Not only hot women in great attire.

Un petit preview begins with some beautiful scenes I've captured this month. It really is the little things that make you smile day to day. Have fun & smile.

First and foremost... RIP icon and strong lady, Liz Taylor.

Spring, mostly London 2011 dress by Wildfox design and others via

Monday 7 March 2011

Barclays big fat bonus

This great and fitting phrase "Extraordinary greed" put out there by MP's at the Treasury recently may even be an understatement....

Are these guys to blame for this hard hitting recession we're dealing with? Either way, Barclays are in the lead with a bonus of 10.9 total pay package, leaving HSBC boss with a mere 6.9 million. I'm not sure that many would sympathise.

You decide...

Monday 8 November 2010

Queen joins Facebook....

This is how we can be certain that there is NO going back in technology and social networking. The world will be online when the Queen is. Frankly, if your not online; your a dodgy dealer, consider yourself a target or don't exist.

Tuesday 19 October 2010

"Iran is taking revenge" on a boy supporting his dead mother... No room for justice

How far should journalists go to get a story or create awareness??

Reporting and corresponding can be lethal if something under government surveillance is leaked to the World. We could easily take our availability to widely sourced news in the Western World for granted. When stories like this one unveil it is clear that there is no valid justification into the brutal murder of Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani.

The brave 22 year old son of Ashtiani, has now been detained by the government of Iran and has been denied a lawyer or communication with anyone, for talking to two German journalists about his mothers unjustly stoning.

Iran's Committee Against Stoning had this response:
"Iran is obviously very embarrassed by the world's condemnation of the stoning sentence of Sakineh, and this is largely because of the courage Sajad has shown in supporting his mother. Iran [government] is trying to take revenge on him now."

Fairness may not exist, but awareness does.

Monday 11 October 2010

Polititians: Men have 'ego's', women have....big mouths apparently.

Christine Lagarde, potentially France's next prime minister.

I am not a fan of many politicians. But this one has got a point. Interesting angle and sales pitch to make next prime minister (just a tiny bit sexist). We wish her the best of luck!

Monday 26 April 2010

Radio Show

As it happens... I appear to have become not only a new found blogger, but a radio show host also.

Yep, this is the moth that I say 'Yes' to absolutely everything that comes my way. Ever tried it? Its quite liberating/terrifying, but brilliant. It began at very cliche but true. Learning about how to up your game to begin a career in Freelance television broadcasting is where it started. Some one suggesting that blogging is a great way of keeping a professional and personal analogue of my on goings was partly what brought me here. The other reason.... I am a freelance TV and Radio Journalist. OH how very official....but means jack until I 'make it'.

'Making it' in my opinion is personal success in a career that you are good at and equally have an absolute passion for. HOWEVER in others, its all about trying various paths and testing yourself...HENCE 'YES' Week.



This is what brings me on to the title 'Radio Show'. Yes guys, every tuesday from 12-1pm a live stream goes out on the internet ( and my show is podcasted on the net. My intro to the radio world began two weeks ago on a friday show with the directors of the Uni Radio station. These guys are massively cool and geeky at the same time- which actually is a surprisingly good combo. They're safe as anything (Note to self: word 'safe' just doesn't suit me). They said they'd show me the studio, when in fact it was their show and we were live. I did panic... but then decided that if two chaps talking about Pokemon had the confidence to chat on the show- I too could and now do it weekly. Tune in at ( promise I wont talk about Pokemon!!).